Battling Those Winter Blues? A Little Love 💓 to the Rescue

Battling Those Winter Blues? A Little Love 💓 to the Rescue

Living in the Northeast, the winters can feel quite dark and cold and those winter blues can easily settle in after all the holiday rush has calmed.  I was noticing in myself in this past week that icky slump after having had a virus the week before, causing me to...
Finding True Rest

Finding True Rest

It’s a brand new year and we are on the flip side of another year filled with much adventure, uncertainty, and unexpected twists and turns.  Some of us are throwing up our hands saying, “Enough already!” while others have adjusted to navigating the path...
Choosing JOY

Choosing JOY

Yesterday was a bleak, foggy, rainy day here in PA.  One of those days where everything appears gray and soggy and getting out of bed is extra hard.  Now, I am all for a good lazy PJ day but my in-laws were visiting from NC so not getting up was not an option.  During...
Finding Your Pockets of Peace During the Holiday Chaos

Finding Your Pockets of Peace During the Holiday Chaos

‘Tis the season for more.  More shopping, more socializing, more family drama, more late nights, more food, more alcohol, more anxiety and more EXHAUSTION.  Even when our intentions are for more happy, more joy, more giving, more fun, and more celebration our...
Avoid the holiday “SCREW IT!”

Avoid the holiday “SCREW IT!”

My conversations with clients lately have included quite a few, “Jen, I have been so bad.  I had one cookie and have not been able to stop!  I will start over when the holidays are done.” Sound familiar? I am all for savoring a good gluten free, homemade...