Are you wondering if the foods you are eating are serving your body well? Do you wonder if you are lacking nutrients, eating well for your body type or lifestyle or need some tweaks and tips?
A one hour session to review your current food and lifestyle may be just the boost you need.
In this 60 minute session conducted either in person, over the phone or video conferencing I will review your food and lifestyle review form that you will complete and submit to me 48 hours prior to our session. You will receive valuable insight as to your current food intake and lifestyle and leave with some solid tips and education on ways to make some shifts if needed and areas that you may want to prioritize working on. A follow up summary will be sent to you with my detailed recommendations on food and lifestyle.

The Food and Lifestyle Review is $255 and can be

Jennifer Ragazzo is the founder of Keeping It Real, Holistic Health Coaching, LLC where she works educating clients on ways to optimize their health through looking at the interconnectedness of the body. Her training in applied Functional Medicine allows her to dig deep with her clients, looking for root causes of DIS-ease so that they can be addressed and true transformation in their wellbeing can occur.
Her combined 20 years of experience in the field of education along with health and wellness include not only a BA in Psychology, and Ed.M in Education but certifications through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Institute for Functional Health Coaching and the School of Applied Functional Medicine. Jennifer’s work with clients has allowed them to often come off medicines, reverse disease dynamics and regain their vitality all while optimizing their health. She works with clients all over the country both in-person and virtually specializing in in autoimmune conditions, Type 2 Diabetes, gut and digestive imbalances, chronic inflammation, food allergies and optimizing detoxification.