Client Testimonials

Jennifer spends her days coaching clients to optimize their health with targeted nutrition, functional medicine tenets and God’s way so they can achieve an abundant life.

Are you next?


Jennifer spends her days coaching clients to optimize their health with targeted nutrition, functional medicine tenets and God’s way so they can achieve an abundant life.

Are you next?

What the Vibrant Rise clients are saying…

“Meeting Jen Ragazzo was a turning point. Her holistic approach, grounded in faith, offered real solutions.”

“Approximately 3 years ago I found myself running on fumes, dealing with debilitating migraines, sleeplessness, crisis mode, and other minor health problems. I tried to accept it by assuming this is how most people lived, and I needed to find a way to deal with it. My body didn’t get on board with that. It started screaming louder with more symptoms of painful stomach, unable to eat, feeling of a rock in my chest, and exhaustion.

To treat my current symptoms my medical Doctor placed me on a round of medications that began to cause joint pain and fatigue. Also, I was placed on a medical leave from work and life for 2 weeks while I had some test run. I was instructed to rest but with no instructions on how I would do that. Deep discouragement engulfed me because I could not understand the why behind all this. Spiritually I was sinking. I knew I loved Jesus and tried so hard but still here I was not well.”

“Finally, I felt like someone was going to really hear me and not put a band aid on the problem.”

“As my discomfort was worsening, I knew I needed to take control of my own health and that is when I was introduced to Jen Ragazzo. The main reason I was drawn to her was her deep love for Jesus Christ and how the physical, mental, and spiritual all worked to gather toward good health. Finally, I felt like someone was going to really hear me and not put a band aid on the problem. She heard my concerns, my worries, and my thoughts.

Together we made a plan to start looking closely at what I was eating, how I was resting, and we agreed on a supplement plan.

Jen suggested a few other tests that would help with us getting a better picture of where I was physically. I ended our call feeling as though I would be better and could get back to life. That would have been my perfect story, but it was not that way. Yes some of the symptoms subsided as I changed my eating habits by learning how the right foods help in healing my body and by supporting my deficiencies with supplements. Lingering were my anxiety and fatigue; they were stuck to me like a ball and chain. I began to express all this to Jen and about how tired I was of this cycle I was putting myself through. She ever so lovingly began to ask questions about the real me and to look inward. She challenged me to journal my answers. With her probing questions I would answer the way I thought was right and there were some questions I refused to ‘go there’ because it held too much emotion. I refused to dig deep within.

For months it was an up and down battle that I created. I would try and try but no change. As the nudging continued from Jenn to search inward, to be still before God with no distractions, and to just stop doing. Through our conversations, some being very tearful, she had me see how I was trying so hard to BE something for Christ when I already had it in me. She demonstrated a beautiful picture of how Jesus loved me by not giving up on me even when I fell silent and had no fight left.

Through this journey of re-discovery along with lifestyle changes I am finally seeing healing. I now take the time to just be still in nature, rest because it is OK, listen to what my body needed, and journaling my struggles and prayers. Most importantly never forgetting how much I am adored by my Heavenly Father. I had to take care of me moving forward and the process continues.

Today, I am moving forward with the ‘tools’ Jen has helped me to discover. We speak monthly to keep me on track. She makes herself available to discuss when things get a bit cloudy for me. Jenn truly has a gift of supporting others and nudging others toward a path of healing physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Thank you, Jen, for your desire to walk alongside me and be a constant even when I stumble.”

“With the help of Jen, a functional coach, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery.”

“For about 13 years, I had not felt like myself. In 2010 my first marriage ended and I began experiencing migraines for the first time and dropped 35 pounds in less than 6 months, left to mother a toddler. A few years later I met my second husband and we moved to another state which posed more challenges in sharing custody of my son. Although I knew my current husband and I were meant to be, life stressors pressed in on us. I felt exhausted all of the time; got diagnosis after diagnosis and one medication after another. In 2018. I was a 34-year-old who just had a stroke. More medications followed. While they helped initially with what I was experiencing, side effects came with it. In 2021, I had a hysterectomy because of continued severe dysplasia. My weight skyrocketed to the highest I have ever been, gaining over 20 pounds in a little over a year.

In 2023, I decided that it was finally time to focus on me; focus on mending my soul, and getting closer to God. I reached out to Jen; a functional coach that encompassed everything I was striving for. The toll that my chronic stress and past trauma were realized. No one knew why I had migraines, why I had a stroke or so many other things I was experiencing. Jen helped guide my healing. Yes, I added supplements but with supplements and purposeful thought and expression, I have been able to stop 5 prescription medications including a daily migraine and SSRI. My lipid panel improved significantly.

I have the tools now to recognize why I am getting headaches and can treat them without the use of medications. I have learned to stay calm in situations that would normally send me into a tailspin. I am thinking more about my words, expressions, tone, and presentation. Instead of fearing retaliation for my feelings, I am easily relaying how I feel at the moment. As someone who has experienced retaliation and would keep things hidden and to myself, this was a huge thing to overcome. This has really opened up conversations with both my husband and my son. My husband and I are spending more time with each other and I don’t fear what may happen merely for expressing how I feel. When voices escalate, I remain calm.

I have prioritized myself. I have prioritized my relationship with God, and my family. Thinking back over the last 8 months, I don’t even recognize the person I am now. I am happier, I am ensuring I have time for myself to regenerate, I am feeding my body what it needs, I am moving my body by walking almost every day, I am not taking things said or done personally, I am reading more!!! I would have never imagined I could feel like this. I have the tools now to be a better person, a great wife and mother.

I am grateful for Jen. Her compassion and knowledge are just a couple of things that helped me over this long hump I have been experiencing. I have her to thank for the guidance, tools, and challenges that have shaped who I am now and how I feel.

I am grateful for this new start. A new chapter of my story and journey.”

“Jen was biggest supporter, always ready to answer the questions!”

“In my 60’s I began a journey of seeking to better support my health. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and did a program that solely focused on diet and did not help me understand my body well. I was drawn to Jen not only because of her faith but her vulnerability, ability to educate and teach true functional wellness and help others necome their own super sleuth detectives. The Collective has helped me significantly change my awareness and education around my health and well being in all areas of my life and take responsibility for my own work and journey."

“It was such a good balance of so many things from the variety of teaching tools and resources to the topics that ranged from physical such as gut health and hormones to emotional and mindset like boundaries and people pleasing.”

"I loved being a part of a group with other women where we could share our problems, successes, and learn from each other. Jen was our biggest supporter, always ready to answer our questions or address our problems and helped us all rise as a team! Today, I feel so much more educated in my own unique body and empowered to try different things and see what does (or does not) work for my body. I feel more disciplined and have realised the old tape that used to say, “I cannot do this; I am too old” and today feel more vibrant than ever and motivated to keep going! Our health journey is a journey with God first and from there, as Jen teaches, everything else can fall into place if we keep it under His might umbrella! It is so important for women to be educated on all of this and not wait like I did!"

“I learned so much from the Collective, improved my gut health tremendously!”

“Being a part of the Vibrant Rise Collective was such a blessing! I loved meeting so many beautiful ladies that enriched my life. I came to Jennifer wanting to work on my digestive issues after having been diagnosed with H. Pylori during a very stressful time managing my own dental practice during the pandemic and wanting to support my health holistically. I was attracted to Jen and her passion for helping others and her calming demeanor. I learned so much from the Collective, improved my gut health tremendously and received such valuable guidance and education for managing the menopausal years with ease. I have been sharing so much of what I have learned with girlfriends going through the same midlife transitions and recommend Jen and this program to anyone wanting to holistically support their health and be empowered with the tools to do so!"

take a look what PAST CLIENTS HAVE SAID

“Jennifer coached me back to life. Literally. She validated my feelings and confidently let me know she could help!”

“When an onset of autoimmune symptoms suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks, I fell so ill that I couldn’t even begin to explain it all. I had seen at least half a dozen doctors, of all kinds, spent a load of money on that, ER several times, and had test after test after test, only to be repeatedly told I needed medication for depression. I knew in my heart that was absolutely not the answer and that there was more to this. I was fatigued, depressed, anxious, and scared. I felt like I was knocking on death’s door with nowhere else to turn. Jennifer Ragazzo was an answer to my prayers. She coached me back to life. Literally. She validated my feelings and confidently let me know she could help! And boy did she help. She is extremely knowledgeable in functional medicine and supplementation, and the fact that she customizes her program to meet each person’s unique needs is just one of the reasons she stands out. That, combined with her strong faith in God, and her special gifts of teaching, listening & and gently putting things into perspective was just the recipe I needed to begin my true healing journey. With her direction, I was feeling better within weeks, and months later I am feeling brand new. I honestly don’t know where I would be today had I not met Jennifer. She has taught me so much and I look forward to continuing my healing journey with her!”

“Jen walked me through step by step to organize my plan of action.”

“I worked with Jen for a year and a half to uncover some mysterious disease dynamics that my body was presenting with postpartum. Jen is a trusted colleague of mine and took on the task of supporting me with an objective outside view of my health picture. She handled my overwhelm with care and we worked to relieve my postpartum depression first with nutritional support, an H Pylori protocol and digestive healing. Jen walked me through step by step to organize my plan of action and take things one step at a time while teaching me to not get ahead of myself and do the work in the present to allow healing to take place. I was supported with healing exercises and deep dives into mindful habits and self care techniques. Jen offered testing that was very supportive and revealed a long list of overgrowths, estrogen dominance, flatlined cortisol, and a test that I never would have thought of… mold toxicity. I am forever grateful for her knowledge, expertise and mentorship.”


"I thought I was taking good care of myself by eating healthy and other things."

“There is so much good to say about Jen, I don’t know where to start so I will start from the beginning.

I thought I was taking good care of myself by eating healthy and other things. I could still feel myself being drained and pulled down more and more. Like many of us, I did have a lot of stress in my life and then last December it was compounded by many things. I just kept pushing and pushing saying I can do it all and take care of everything and everyone. The end of December changed that thinking drastically. I ended up in the ER and passed out right in front of the doctors. They kept me overnight and said I was just worn out and all the blood work looked good. I knew at that moment I needed to make a change in my life and do something for myself because I could not keep going like this!!

I have been following Jen for a while and decided to get in touch with her. We had our consultation, and then our first session. I felt so much peace in my heart right away! She is so caring and the greatest listener I know. She looked at all my blood work and started telling me things about myself that made so much sense for how I had been feeling. We went to work right away and I felt a difference very quickly with her recommendations. As she says, it’s not easy work, and by all means it’s not, but it is worth every bit of the work you put inl!! I was only sleeping 2 hours a night for the last decade, which was not helping me. I had tried so many different products to help me sleep and nothing worked. I would take Ambien whenever I would go away.

“I am so very happy to say today I am sleeping 5+ hours a night, which I couldn’t have done it without Jen in my life and all her help.”

I also went away twice in August and NO Ambien was needed (miracles do happen). The other thing that is so special about her is not only does she really dig deep into your physical self to find those root causes, but also your mind and soul. I never realized how they are all connected until she walked me through things in my past that I had to let go of. She is teaching me to live in the now with God! She is so caring and also very knowledgeable. We are managing blood sugar, thyroid issues, gut issues and more. I honestly don’t know how I would be today without her guiding my every step of the way.

If anyone is thinking about working with Jen, just do it! You are worth it, and it will be one of the best decisions you make! I am absolutely feeling better and gaining that energy back and know I can be present and help the family that I need to help! I am so grateful for her in my life. Jen is a true blessing to me!

“Throughout the past 18 months, we worked on getting rid of the things that were harming my body and gut, supported digestion, and even more, worked on stress and anxiety."

“I started my journey with Jen in March 2021. I had been suffering with stomach issues for 17+ years, diagnosed with IBS. All that meant to me at the time was eat more fiber but be careful with foods that give you gas. This became the story of my life. Three different GI doctors, colonoscopies, endoscopies, bloodwork, diagnosed with too low BMI that would not budge and IBS with no relief for answers.

For years I lived in either defeat or an attempt to “fix” with low FODMAP diet but nothing worked and I lived with unbearable gas and bloating. It was so bad that my stomach hurt every time I ate. I saw my mom struggling with health issues and did not want to face the same. My sister had been working with Jen for her own struggles with psoriasis and gut issues and had found tremendous relief and she suggested I talk with her. I decided it was time for something different.

On our first phone call I told Jen, “I am NOT doing what my sister does with her diet! I cannot do it. I am a picky eater and I won’t survive.” Jen said that I am not my sister and this is my own journey to go on and encouraged me to relax. I did and continued to share with her my health struggles both physically and emotionally. She assured me she could help and I decided to give it a go. I needed relief. She encouraged me to experiment with dietary changes customized to me and supported me along the way. It was not easy but I did it and it was one of the best things I have ever done! She also did a GI Map stool test with me that gave us so much detail as to what my body needed and it blew my mind. This was just the very start of answers and change.

I worked with my family doctor to get more labs done and Jen guided. Jen’s insight and knowledge and the testing we did opened a whole new world and a long road journeyed towards much needed relief. Throughout the past 18 months we worked on getting rid of the things that were harming my body and gut, supported digestion, and even more, worked on stress and anxiety. I have learned to be in process and present and that stress, for me, causes “flare ups” which I can shift with my newly learned tools. I have learned that there are no quick “fixes” and that healing is a process. A BIG gift for me has been being able to go out to eat without worrying about running to the bathroom!

Before Jen, date nights would end up in cramps, tears and a ruined night out and now I look forward to these nights. I also learned different ways to care for my body, mind and spirit because self care is so important to gut health and well being. I learned so many different ways to manage my stress and anxiety. She even helped me grow through a very big challenge in my life! I am so grateful I said yes to myself and stepped on this path.

"Her approach is gentle yet honest and she meets me exactly where I am."

“I turned to Jen upon becoming frustrated with the surface level and tunnel vision approach of the conventional doctors I had seen, having been told lab work was “fine,” when I knew something was off.

Jen has been able to uncover imbalances in my body and the progress I have made with her has been multi-layered. She looks at not only the whole body, but the whole being. Her approach is gentle yet honest and she meets me exactly where I am.

A session with Jen is like a science lesson, therapy, and spirituality all in one.”

"If you are looking for real, true, healthy healing or insight on how the body functions to prevent future health issues, I highly recommend you consult with her."

“My 21 year old daughter introduced me to Jen on IG. I have been working with her for 9 months now. We began with hormone imbalances and uncovering reasons for some irregular blood work. She has been a tremendous help.

Jen uses a variety of in depth functional tests to gain knowledge about the body that traditional medicine does not typically look for. She has taught me so much about healing, slowing down, and taking time for myself.

The more I learn from her the more I realize how much traditional doctors aren’t aware of and that pharmaceutical drugs cannot treat or support. If you are looking for real, true, healthy healing or insight on how the body functions to prevent future health issues. I highly recommend you consult with her. Jen’s perspective and guidance are priceless. She is phenomenal!”

"By prioritizing my needs, I have been able to be more productive at work, be a more attentive mother and a happier wife."

“In the short few months I have been working with Jen, she has helped me work on a lot of deeper issues that I didn’t realize were keeping back from thriving in life. Jen as helped me create a healthy lifestyle that goes so much farther than healthy eating. She has helped me sort through a lot of underlying issues that I was ignoring to get to the real root of my problems. She guided me to set boundaries, focus on my emotional and mental well being just as much as my diet, and I have never felt better. By prioritizing my needs, I have been able to be more productive at work, be a more attentive mother and a happier wife. Although diet hasn’t been the primary focus of our coaching, I have lost twelve pounds without even focusing on weight loss! I have worked with Personal Trainers, Dietitians and my primary doctor to address the things I am working on with Jen and for the first time I have found answers and been guided to truly make long term changes that were sustainable. ”

"Choosing to take care of the body God has entrusted us is for our entire lives."

“At the end of 2016, my body was sick with one virus after another, including a trip to ER on New Year’s Eve day. Shortly after, I called Jen and asked if she would be my health coach. She agreed. After meeting another time, I was back at my doctor with what seemed to bronchitis flaring and overall fatigue, not only physically but emotionally too. I was tired. He prescribed me another antibiotic and other meds to keep the stomach ingestion at bay. I went to the car, called Jen with such confusion and cried. I was needing a miracle.

I did not fill that script that day, but instead trusted her (and God leading me to her), and did exactly what she asked of me. Life began to shift, and I began to recover from the bronchitis, the stomach issues and overall general fatigue and a bonus, lost some weight as well. With further investigation, we under covered food intolerances as other results that offered insight to my body begging me to change what I was doing. I needed to incorporate a more healthy lifestyle and making healthy choices about my environment and what I eat. I began a lifetime commitment in taking care of myself! And I sense energy and empowerment to do just that with the wonderful coaching from Jen!

Jen’s deep compassion to help others and her desire to share the wealth of information she has with others is immeasurable. She genuinely listens to what you share-body, mind and soul. She addresses all aspects with a God honoring way that I cherish each session I have with her. I look forward continuing our work together for a long standing sleep disorder, finding rest, and ultimately optimal health. I’m committed and cannot wait to update again. Choosing to take care of the body God has entrusted us is for our entire lives. With each breath I take I’m grateful to God for my body, and I know I can count on Jen to encourage me along the way coaching, teaching and encouraging. FOREVER GRATEFUL to God, my body, mind, and soul, and my wonderful health coach, Jen!"

"With Jen's guidance and expertise, I have transformed my health and well-being, overcoming exhaustion, depression, and frustration with the medical system."

“My top goal with working with Jen was to help my newly diagnosed Hashimoto’s. I was feeling depressed, tired, run down, when I first came to see Jen. I was also feeling very frustrated with the medical world and their way of leaving me feel so run and telling me I was fine, and prescribing more medications. No one took the time to listen or even learn my name, that’s when Jen came to the rescue! Jen gave me so many tools to help change my life and ways of thinking. I was able to understand what a healthy diet is like and what foods I should be eating with an autoimmune disorder. She also helped me peel back more issues such as leaky guy, food sensitivities, and hormonal imbalance. Jen also became a therapist and friend to me listening to so many of my deepest stories that were causing me so much depression and anxiety. She made me feel so comfortable and had the best recommendations on doctors and therapies that were more suited towards my needs.

I have changed so much in the 6 months I worked with Jen.

Not only did I lose 15 pounds (not the goal but definitely a plus) I feel better than I ever have in my life! My thyroid levels are the best they have been in my entire life, and I feeling the positive effects! My blood pressure improved, I no longer get headaches or body aches, this is the first spring in 5+ years I have not got a sinus infection. The list goes on! The most significant overall change I have noticed is feeling more self worth. Jen had me focus on myself and with doing so I feel better than ever. With her help my anxiety and depression decreased, which was not the ultimate goal when starting, I just wanted my thyroid fixed! I now have a great lifestyle which I am proud of, and I can thank Jen for that. Jen is passionate about her work, caring, personable and relatable, easy to talk to, and overall just a great person. I would recommend Jen to anyone who is frustrated with their health status and the medical field today and wanting to take a more natural and holistic approach to their healing. With Jen’s guidance and suggestions and expertise I would not be where I am today. Before Jen I was feeling run down, tired, self conscious, and depressed. Just with some simple life changes I can now say that I am no longer that person and focus on my own health and my overall well being."

"6 months from my first meeting and I am a different person."

“I worked with Jenn for 6 months. I went to see her back in Feb 2018 as I was unhappy with how I was feeling. I was 230 pounds, tired all time, I had back problems, I was not sleeping well. My blood work was a mess, high cholesterol, triglycerides were out of whack among other things. I was on the highest dose of both Crestor and Tricor. I would be at work and want to take a nap 2-3pm every day. I had no energy.

My first meeting with Jenn was awesome. She reviewed all my blood work ahead of time and was prepared with a plan to discuss. She made me feel at ease right from the start. I remember one of the first things she said was she was not going to “stress me out” or “watch the scale”. She said that as long as I followed the plan we agreed on, the weight would come off and everything would take care of itself.

She put me on the whole 30 diet. No carbs, no dairy, no sugar, no caffeine (I must confess I did and still do drink coffee, black, but still have at least a cup a day). Also, drinking a ton of water a day, about 110-120 ounces. She also put me on a bunch of supplements/vitamins.

I write this today, 6 months from my first meeting and I am a different person. I weigh 189 pounds (41 pounds down!), I sleep better, my back feels better, I am running about 4-5 miles every 2-3 days, my energy level is through the roof. My cholesterol, sugars, and the rest of my blood work is beyond great. I am now off all my meds as I have been able to manage everything through diet and exercise. I have made a lifestyle change and it is awesome. It was hard but honestly I feel so much better that I do not want to do anything different.

I highly recommend working with Jenn as she will tailor everything to what you need and what you are comfortable with. She will ensure that you are not alone in your journey and have consistent touch points to ensure you stay on track. You will not be disappointed! If I could give more than 5 stars I would have!"

"I can’t thank Jen enough for just being the sweetest, kindest most knowledgeable person I’ve met."

"Where do I even begin in the ways working with Jen has helped me?! My journey with Jen started back in May 2018. I came to her with so many issues; auto immune, chronic fatigue, leaky gut and the list goes on and on. I say it’s a journey because its just not about taking the supplements recommended or how many you can take in my mind to get well QUICKLY! As Jen puts it, I needed to peel back the layers of the onion to start in my recovery. I have grown so much as a person as well as have gotten healthier each and every day. I have shared my story with people as far away as Idaho as this has truly been transformational. I can’t thank Jen enough for just being the sweetest, kindest most knowledgeable person I’ve met. I look forward to continuing my JOURNEY with her and all that life can offer as my health improves.”

"Jen was able to help me get rid of the diarrhea and keep it in check very early on into our sessions."

“I started working with Jen to heal my gut, stop the daily diarrhea and to be healthier as I grow older since I have two auto-immune diseases. Jen was able to help me get rid of the diarrhea and keep it in check very early on into our sessions. I have lost 16 pounds so far which has helped me feel better, more flexible and mobile. I also have so much less bloating from eliminating foods that bother me! In just three months of working with Jen not only have I lost weight but my lab work has improved, I have normal stools and I feel healthier inside and out. Jen is compassionate, knowledgable, kind, sweet, personable, attentive, professional, easy to talk with, concerned for others’ welfare, and thorough. I would recommend Jen to anyone with auto-immune issues, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, weight issues, digestive issues, cancer prevention and those who have had cancer and those who have a need to restore their health! Jennifer is an amazing person and health coach! I highly recommend her. My health has improved greatly in the few months I have been working with her and I am blessed to have connected with her!”

"What I needed was exactly what Jen gave me, permission to rest so that my body can heal!"

"Ultimately I knew what my body needed to be able to heal, and it wasn’t the multitude of supplements that I was already taking to address the imbalances. What I needed was exactly what Jen gave me, permission to rest so that my body can heal! In her own quiet and compassionate, yet convincing tone, Jen helped me to realize that my drive to “work and do” was preventing my body from truly healing. Even though I knew this, I was having a hard time allowing myself permission to slow down and I needed a coach to guide me. I am grateful that Jen was willing and experienced in going deeper, beyond symptoms, to address the fatigue and brain fog. The healing continues to take place, long after our sessions have been completed!”

"The biggest thing she taught me was to focus on the 'here and now' and to 'manage what is' while clinging to my faith and not losing hope."

“Jen taught me so many things in just three short months. I came to her after months of struggling to understand what was wrong with my body after getting very sick post-COVID and seeing so many doctors for answers to no avail. The biggest thing she taught me was to focus on the ”here and now” and to “manage what is” while clinging to my faith and not losing hope. We went deep down to my nervous system and found root cause issues then explored other aspects of my health and created shifts through gratitude practice, diet, targeted supplements, and much more. I have been able to come off all my medications, follow a diet and supplement regimen customized for me, meditate, and now I feel like a new person!”

"God has truly started a great work in her, born out of her own personal health challenges."

"I first came to value Jen’s knowledge and passion for functional medicine through her social media platforms. With each post, I learned more valuable advice that I could use to optimize my health, particularly brain health as my mom died of Alzheimer’s disease at age 70. I began making incremental changes to my diet and looked to Jen for advice on quality supplements, nutrition, environmental toxins, and general wellness. For the first time in my life, I lost 20 pounds without feeling deprived and felt a dramatic change in my overall health. Since that time, Jen has counseled my husband and teenage daughter, as well as my sister, looking to find the root causes behind their health concerns rather than provide a band-aid approach. I considered our family fairly health-conscious before meeting Jen, but the information and resources shared by her have fundamentally changed our understanding of the best ways to support our health. Jen has an authentic desire to improve the lives of her clients through data-driven analysis, the latest science/research and her supportive coaching spirit. God has truly started a great work in her, born out of her own personal health challenges. Her warmth, compassion, cutting-edge knowledge and practical advice are a valued resource to my family.”

"Jennifer actually instilled hope in me."

“When I first went to see Jennifer I was pretty much without hope. After two years of leaky gut, IBS, and auto-immunine issues all of which had depleted by body of essential nutrients and weakened my system. I was a mess and the only thing the doctors had done for me is give me some pain medication. After taking a thorough health history and in depth consultation where she actually LISTENED to what I was going through, Jennifer actually instilled hope in me. That is the one thing that I remember the most during the time we continued to meet. She was so positive, explained everything thoroughly so that I could understand what was going on, and gave me hope that things could get better. Jennifer is very knowledgeable in her field and is always positive. I would recommend her to anyone struggling with health issues especially those that traditional medicine doesn’t seem able to address.

She is thorough, explains everything, and is always available by phone or email. I enjoyed our sessions immensely as her positive attitude, smile, and guidance always left me feeling better. Now several months later I am so much better. I still have some issues, but Jen has given me the tools I need to manage these. My gut is healing, I no longer have the IBS, my body is responding to the nutrients & healthy diet and I am getting stronger. Which is a lot to say for someone who is 70 years old! I am so thankful for Jennifer and all she has done to help me along the path of good health. God bless you Jennifer!”

"I cannot believe how much better I feel after only 5 months of working with Jen!"

"I came to Jen because I was having significant difficulties with heartburn and not feeling the best. I was unable to loose weight and digesting food, especially at night, was challenging. Jen has been terrific in giving me suggestions on how to change my diet and specific supplements that would be good for me to take to help support my gut health, digestion and get rid of my H. Pylori that was causing the GERD. She has also helped me support my hormones in menopause and loose 17 pounds so far! Jen is very personable and made me feel comfortable in discussing myself with her from the get go. I would recommend Jen to those who are interested in learning how to change their lifestyle in order to be healthy as our health is 100% worth the investment. I cannot believe how much better I feel after only 5 months of working with Jen!"

"I am so grateful to Jen for all I have learned and how she has helped me improve my own health."

“I originally came to Jen for help with my chronic gut issues. Since working with her I have experienced better digestion, mental clarity, less inflammation, more knowledge on my over all health! Jen is very efficient & timely, very knowledgeable and listens to your individual needs. I would recommend Jen to anyone, especially those who have searched and searched for answers but haven’t got to their root cause. I perform so much better now in my every day life and have learned that stress causes a lot! Managing symptoms doesn’t have to be scary… and our health is a lifelong journey! I am so grateful to Jen for all I have learned and how she has helped me improve my own health.”

"Through Jen’s scientifically and medically proven advice, that monkey wrench is back in the toolbox where it belongs, and she is helping me build a pain-free, inflammation-fighting path to good health."

"I had always thought I led a healthy life—daily exercise, wonderful job, vegan diet, loving family and friends. But even healthy lives can have a monkey wrench thrown into the works when inflammation flares, as it did for me with my diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. That’s when I made an appointment to meet with Jen. A holistic super sleuth, Jen is in her element when analyzing lab reports. And she had plenty to say about mine! Filled with knowledge, empathy, humor, and professionalism, Jen quietly and confidently stated her case without ever criticizing conventional medical practices. She allowed me to determine my level of investment—completely holistic or in conjunction with mainstream medicine, jumping in with both feet or toe-testing the water. Regardless of my commitment, I was convinced that Jen viewed my journey independent from others, and that her recommendations addressed my specific needs. After all, there may be 100 or more types of autoimmune diseases! Realizing that autoimmunity does not develop overnight, I never expected it to magically disappear. But through Jen’s scientifically and medically proven advice, that monkey wrench is back in the toolbox where it belongs, and she is helping me build a pain-free, inflammation-fighting path to good health."

"After over 6 years of struggling with infertility and trying everything imaginable, it wasn't until our last IVF cycle that I surrendered myself to Jennifer's guidance and was willing to do anything to make our miracle baby come true."

“I have dealt with infertility for over 6 years and felt like I tried everything possible; from acupuncture, eating healthy, exercising enough, not exercising too much, meditation, massages, chiropractic, and more things I could go on forever. It wasnt until we had reached our last IVF cycle that I decided enough is enough I need HELP! I knew Jennifer had experience in my situation so I surrendered myself to her direction and was willing to do ANYTHING to help make our miracle baby come true. I thought I as doing things right with my eating habits and we adjusted that and took Gluten and Dairy out of my daily eating. I also thought I was taking the correct kind of supplements and Jennifer also helped direct in my the right direction and we adjusted and added to my supplement intake. We made these adjustments in October of 2018 and with Jennifer’s recommendations and direction along with some added mental healing, our last IVF cycle worked!! We have been blessed with the most beautiful baby boy in September of 2018. I am so grateful for Jen’s compassion for helping me, education in all areas of health, and for never giving up on me!”

"Jen found relationships to many of my symptoms that others never picked up on."

"The first time I called Jen I wasn’t sure there was anything she could do to help me. She was my last hope. I had been diagnosed with multiple medical issues over the years with kidney disease being the last. I was seeing multiple specialist and none of them where communicating. Each doctor wrote prescriptions that would help their specialty while causing side effects that could worsen my other issues. It was a vicious cycle of treating the symptom instead of the cause. I had gotten to my breaking point and felt like I hit rock bottom. During my first visit we went over everything. She wanted to learn and understand my history and all I had gone through to this point. As I poured my heart out, she wrote everything down and asked me to elaborate where needed. She found relationships to many of my symptoms that others never picked up on. We started by making small changes to my lifestyle which in turn is leading to big results with my blood work showing marked important. This is only the beginning, as we haven’t even begun to touch some of my major issues. Jen is teaching me to learn and understand what my body wants/needs by what its telling me. She has given me faith that I can live the life I always wanted to. I will never be able to thank her enough."

"Jen Ragazzo is a treasure and so much more than a coach – she is a mentor and a friend."

“Whatever you think of when you hear the term ‘functional wellness coach’ is not enough to encompass what Jen Ragazzo is. She is in fact a wellness coach and educator; however, it just is not enough to leave it there. Jen has taken a deep dive with me to see what is at the core of both my physical dis-eases, but also what is in my head and heart that needs attention. I know that Jen is my biggest cheerleader when it comes to my health. She will never prescribe a one-for-all solution. She takes the time to make my treatment plan personal and she is patient to see what will work for me and my own health journey. Every time we connect it is a reset – a time to see what is working, what needs work, and to learn from mistakes so we can keep moving forward. Jen has been faithful to work with me to change my unhealthy habits and thought processes to be full of kindness and love towards myself. She is constantly urging me to look up and move forward. She encourages me to use my sands of time in a way that honors the Lord and is true to myself and the greater good.”

"Jen's holistic health coaching is a perfect fit, combining her excellent listening skills, discernment of symptoms, creativity in finding solutions, and passion for wellness."

"I have known Jen personally for over 10 years, and professionally for the past 3 years. Holistic health coaching is such a perfect field for Jen because it combines her excellent listening skills, discernment of how symptoms relate to diet and lifestyle, creativity in finding solutions for her clients, and her enthusiasm that motivates others to better health. She has a real passion for health and wellness, and it is apparent to both myself and her clients that she goes “all out” in helping them. Jen is constantly researching for the latest knowledge in the fields of nutrition and wellness to stay up to date. Even better, she actually lives the healthy lifestyle that she is promoting to others!"

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